Hunger & High Nutrient Diets

IT’S THE QUALITY, STUPID…  Of the uncountable diets that are out there, none that I am aware of balance the quality of the food to the calorie.  Some, like Weight Watchers, look only at the calorie.  Others, like Atkins, look only at the macronutrients.  There is no doubt that our bodies do much better with […]

Mesa AZ Chiropractor Explains Importance of Fish Oil

FISH OILS NOT EFFECTIVE FOR PREVENTING HEART DEATHS.  Sounds disappointing, huh?  And I’m sure this is what we’ll be hearing from the media and doctors everywhere.  The reality is that 1 gram of fish oils (considered a low dose) given for a year, is not effective at lowering the rates of sudden cardiac death in patients who […]

Is Too Little Vitamin D Making Our Children Fat?

IS TOO LITTLE VITAMIN D MAKING OUR KIDS FAT?  According to this study it is playing a role.  Now, don’t discount the video games, crappy school lunches, skipping breakfast, sugared drinks with only calories and little phytonutrient value and the stress they pick up from their parents.  But I make sure Keegan takes his Vitamin […]