Stress Destroy’s Joint’s – Join Pain Chiropractor

CAN STRESS DESTROY OUR JOINTS?  Catecholamines are hormones released by the adrenal glands, the most recognized of which is adrenaline.  Looking at the article, it suggests that catecholamines might have some pretty potent anti-inflammatory effects and may always be at work controlling inflammation within a joint.  However, in the initial stages of joint degeneration there is a loss […]

Joint Pain Chiropractic Mesa AZ

CAN STRESS DESTROY OUR JOINTS?  Catecholamines are hormones released by the adrenal glands, the most recognized of which is adrenaline.  Looking at the article, it suggests that catecholamines might have some pretty potent anti-inflammatory effects and may always be at work controlling inflammation within a joint.  However, in the initial stages of joint degeneration there is a loss […]

Wrist Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ :

Catecholamine-Producing Cells in the Synovial Tissue During Arthritis CAN STRESS DESTROY OUR JOINTS?  Catecholamines are hormones released by the adrenal glands, the most recognized of which is adrenaline.  Looking at the article, it suggests that catecholamines might have some pretty potent anti-inflammatory effects and may always be at work controlling inflammation within a joint.  However, in the […]

Will That Cup of Coffee Protect My Brain?

I’m not sure where along the process caffeine got such a bad rap.  I continue to see suggestions to avoid caffeinated products like coffee and tea. I can understand if someone has adrenal fatigue and needs an IV directly from the coffee pot just to get started in the AM, but other than that the […]

Will Eating Too Much Make Me Die Sooner?

The research behind a low calorie, high phytonutrient diet extending lifespan in mammals is quite extensive. There have been variations on this theme of lowering the calories we take in.  These can vary from full-blow calorie restriction to alternate day calorie restriction.  There is the Bahadori leanness program that uses “mini-fasts” to reach and maintain […]