Low T Symptoms – Is This the REAL Answer for a Cure?

Low T syndrome. Low testosterone. Male sexual dysfunction. Doesn’t matter what you call it, I couldn’t be more against the use of testosterone replacement. Much to my chagrin, I hear a local clinic advertising on the radio station we have playing at the office several times per day. What I find interesting about this clinic’s […]

Devastating Arthritis in Children Starts at the Pediatrician

Arthritis in the typical 50 or 60 year old is not a surprise, but when it strikes our children it’s something to be heavily concerned about. In general, arthritis that strikes our kids is going to fall into the auto-immune type where the immune system has turned in on itself, attacking the joints of your […]

The Diabetic Breakfast; Why You Should Avoid Oatmeal

This is not the first time I’ve debunked the idea that oatmeal and Cheerios are good breakfast options, despite the frequent recommendation. Breakfast is, without a doubt, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make in a given day.  And that decision starts with actually having breakfast.  The decision to skip breakfast is one […]

The Dangers of Antibiotics: Surprising Risk for Colon Cancer

  Although I’ve said it before, let me make it unquestionably clear; the use of antibiotics in conditions that are not immediately life-threatening are destroying your health far more then you can possibly imagine. The list of chronic diseases associated with altered bacterial flora in the gut is extensive.  So extensive that they may play […]

Natural Remedies for Seizures in Women

I was at a marketing event this week and ended up having a conversation about a teenage girl who had epilepsy.  Natural remedies for seizures came up in conversation. The seizures had begun about a year ago right around the time that her menstrual cycles started, and her seizures were tied to her menstrual cycles (the […]