Have a Skinny Friend? Maybe You Should Borrow Some of This

Obesity and weight loss are complicated issues. It’s no longer about calories in versus calories out. In a prior article I wrote about the contributions of environmental chemicals to obesity and diabetes.  And this contribution is not a small one.  You can read more about this relationship by clicking here. Certainly the quality of the […]

Depression and Essential Fatty Acids (i.e. Fish Oils)

DID THE 90’S DESTROY OUR BRAINS?? Few things have had such a detrimental effect as the release of the USDA’s food guide pyramid in 1992.  There was no differentiation between healthy and unhealthy fats.  Over the next 15 years, the American public was brainwashed by this pyramid, and with the demonization of fats, “fat” became […]

Second Hand Smoke and Your Child’s Mental Health

WILL THIS GET YOU TO QUIT SMOKING? We all know that smoking is bad for us, and yet this alone is not enough to make us quit.  Somehow, we all think we will escape the near certainty that smoking will cause a slow, painful, medically-ridden premature death.  Statistically, it is much like playing video games […]

Psychotropic Practice Patterns for Youth–A 10-Year Perspective

Psychotropic Practice Patterns for Youth–A 10-Year Perspective. The idea that utilization of psychotropic meds for youth is closing in on adult levels that drops my jaw. Are our children that disturbed? And, even if they were (which I strongly doubt…) would anyone out there like to bet their right arm against the fact that these […]