Autism, Schizophrenia and Depression; Surprising Thing They Have in Common

Disorders of the mind have never been as easy to grasp for doctors. While therapists have a larger toolbox, most physicians are limited to medications. For me, medications that screw with the essential way that your brain cells function in relationship to one another are a wee bit on the scary side.  We really know […]

Are placebos necessary to test new antidepressants and anxiolytics? – (04-16-03)

Are placebos necessary to test new antidepressants and anxiolytics? While I’ve always believed that natural approaches are more powerful and safer in the long run than drugs for psychological intervention, I usually contend that there are patients that need them. Well, I am seriously beginning to question whether many of the drugs have any effect […]

Natural Cures for Depression: Prediabetes and Your Brain

I’ll agree that getting someone in the deep throes of depression to exercise is not likely to happen.  But that does NOT mean that natural cures for depression won’t work. Motivation is not high on the list of character traits of a person with depression.  For this reason exercise, which is arguably the most powerful […]

Does Your Diet Depress You?

When it comes to depression, our society relies heavy on drugs for an answer.  Even counseling is a late effort.  Maybe primary care physicians should not be the first choice in this realm. Drugs first, counseling second, lifestyle never.  I’d probably suggest a revision. When patients come into my office who are on antidepressants, I […]

Can Supplements for Depression Beat Medication?

Most cases of depression are treated with antidepressants in medicine today. But when talking natural depression treatments, St John’s Wort pops up first. Certainly St. John’s Wort has a pretty good track history when it comes to battling depression, but are there any other supplements that can help? Before I answer that, let’s cover a little bit […]