Low T Symptoms and Fertility; Barking up the Wrong Tree?

I could not be more against testosterone supplementation. Sure, patients feel better and have more energy, but people on cocaine have more energy, too. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Several years ago, very aggressive marketing by the manufacturers of testosterone supplementation put “low T” on the map, leading to a huge uptake of lab […]

Dairy and Your Brain; Quit it Before You Lose It

There are times that I think that maybe I’m off base when it comes to my dislike for dairy products and my recommendation to avoid it. After all, the recommendation to have at least 3 servings of dairy daily is firmly entrenched in just about every public health recommendation since, well like…forever.  And the commercials […]

But My Trainer Tells Me I Need to Eat More Protein…

The problem is that many trainers don’t differentiate between the types of protein, and the differences can be striking. Protein intake after exercise has been shown to help with building muscle mass faster.  But your choice of proteins can make a big difference in your long term health.  It is very well accepted that higher intakes of […]

Will That Cup of Coffee Protect My Brain?

I’m not sure where along the process caffeine got such a bad rap.  I continue to see suggestions to avoid caffeinated products like coffee and tea. I can understand if someone has adrenal fatigue and needs an IV directly from the coffee pot just to get started in the AM, but other than that the […]

“Smoking Gun” of Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma Found

When a 50 year old 3-pack-a-day smoker gets lung cancer, we all shake our head.  But when it’s a 6 year old, only horror is felt. Personally, I have always believed that childhood cancers come from a bad combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental chemical exposure.  Either way, it is in no way, shape or […]