Low HDL Cholesterol? This Supplement Could Protect Your Heart

The cholesterol story continues, but the emphasis placed on total cholesterol is finally fading. Now the heat is up on HDL, or the “good” cholesterol. It’s almost sad that, after years and years of promoting high cholesterol as a risk factor for heart disease, the medical community has quietly backed off from this mistaken belief […]

Irregular Heartbeat and A-Fib; Surprising Link with Seizures

The number of patients who have irregular heartbeats is increasing along with every other chronic disease known to man. While I am not a practicing cardiologist, I did write a book on migraines and epilepsy.  So what does a Migraines and Epilepsy book have to do with an irregular heartbeat?? Quite a bit, it turns […]

Think You Know the “Cholesterol Story?” Think Again…

Ever since Nikolai Anitschkow fed rabbits a high cholesterol diet in 1913, medicine has been obsessed with this molecule and its relationship with heart disease. First, a primer on what cholesterol does do in the body, since most seem to glaze over the fact that it’s actually there for a reason. Here are a few […]

Protecting Your Brain from Dementia One Supplement at a Time

While teasing one another that we’ve lost our mind may be funny, the literal experience of losing your mind to dementia is not likely as entertaining. However, the rates continue to increase at a startling rate and no hope is in sight for a cure. Some pharmaceutical companies have even given up the fight to […]