Firmiculates Bacteria in the Gut and Pollutants in Your Diet

Gut bacteria and your health.  The microbiome.  These strange bedfellows play a massive role in our health and yet we know so little about how to positively impact our microbiome using lifestyle and supplementation. Luckily, it seems like weekly there are new studies published that help to fill in the major gaps in our understanding of […]

Childhood Obesity Statistics: Contributions of a Forgotten Chemical

  Calories in, calories out.  Seems to be a simple enough equation for weight loss or maintenance.  Or, at least it used to be. Make sure your son or daughter stays active.  Throw out any Kellogg’s breakfast cereals and keep them away from fruit juice.  These recommendations are simple enough and makes sense for keeping […]

FDA and Drug Research: Watching Our Backs or Asleep at the Wheel?

Our world of medicine is dominated by drugs.  Drugs are the foundation upon just about every treatment that mainstream medicine offers. The entire Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) was passed so that patients could now have access to doctors.  And by “access” I mean have someone else pay for services.  And by “services” I really […]

The Polypill–One Pill to Control Them All?

BRAVE NEW WORLD? Hollywood and literature has been hyping the idea of a medicated, controlled society for as long as we can remember.  But it seems to hard to believe that society would give up it’s freedom of choice to surrender to this type of control.  Right?  There has been steady promotion of a “polypill” […]