Sleep-disordered breathing, glucose metabolism in hypertensive men – (03-26-01)

Sleep-disordered breathing, glucose metabolism in hypertensive men I love seeing articles demonstrating the intricate ties between all systems of the body and many of today’s chronic diseases. This study suggests that obstructive sleep apnea may contribute to the risk of diabetes, independent of obesity. Try this…lack of sleep is a known stress to the human […]

Metabolic disturbances in obesity versus sleep apnea – (06-23-03)

Metabolic disturbances in obesity versus sleep apnea: the importance of visceral obesity and insulin resistance I must admit this is a very interesting concept. Basically, this article opens up the idea that sleep apnea may actually be a manifestation of underlying insulin resistance and obesity. We have always known that abdominal obesity was a risk […]

Adverse Effects of Modest Sleep Restriction – (06-01-04)

Adverse Effects of Modest Sleep Restriction on Sleepiness, Performance, and Inflammatory Cytokines I know I’m guilty here. We all know that sleep is very important and is a stress on the body, but to increase inflammation is definitely news to me. And considering that inflammation plays a role in just about every chronic disease we know of, […]

Melatonin in Patients with Reduced REM Sleep Duration – (01-21-04)

Melatonin in Patients with Reduced REM Sleep Duration: Two Randomized Controlled Trials I usually hesitate to use melatonin in most cases, and would prefer valerian root and/or snacks high in tryptophan (bananas, sunflower seeds) as a first line approach. I view melatonin as a powerful hormone that has the ability to impact many aspects of […]