HRT Use Linked to Increased Risk of Asthma in Women – (11-23-00)

HRT Use Linked to Increased Risk of Asthma in Women Okay, okay. Explain to me again why HRT is consistantly one of the most heavily prescribed pharmaceuticals?? I just don’t understand. And why did these results not end up all over the news media? (article) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is associated with an increased risk […]

The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study Revisited – (11-12-00)

The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study Revisited Yet another nail in the coffin of HRT. This commentary is a review of recent evidence suggesting that HRT may actually worsen heart disease. With all the evidence coming out against artificial HRT (there needs to be a differentiation between horse estrogens and natural, human estrogens) and effective […]

Complex Hormonal Abnormalities Identified in Metabolic Syndrome – (11-09-00)

Complex Hormonal Abnormalities Identified in Metabolic Syndrome Syndrome X is a constellation of symptoms that many in medicine have failed to recognize, and yet it may be one of the single most important contributors to chronic disease today. It relates to an inability of insulin to do an effective job, and the body responds by […]

Mammography no better than physical breast examination – (10-30-00)

Mammography no better than physical breast examination, study shows There has been some debate recently in the medical literature as to whether or not a benefit clearly saves lives. Depending upon the research study you look at, mammography either extends survival or has no effect. And the jury is still out. The bottom line…avoid the […]

Differential effects of oral vs transdermal ERT on CRP in postmenopausal – (04-23-03)

Differential effects of oral vs transdermal ERT on CRP in postmenopausal Hate to rely all my sad stories, but I had a woman in this week; 60 years old, multiple open heart surgeries, stent placement in both renal arteries and 3 strokes. You would think her cardiologists (a long stream of them) would at some […]