Depression and Essential Fatty Acids (i.e. Fish Oils)

DID THE 90’S DESTROY OUR BRAINS?? Few things have had such a detrimental effect as the release of the USDA’s food guide pyramid in 1992.  There was no differentiation between healthy and unhealthy fats.  Over the next 15 years, the American public was brainwashed by this pyramid, and with the demonization of fats, “fat” became […]

Psychotropic Practice Patterns for Youth–A 10-Year Perspective

Psychotropic Practice Patterns for Youth–A 10-Year Perspective. The idea that utilization of psychotropic meds for youth is closing in on adult levels that drops my jaw. Are our children that disturbed? And, even if they were (which I strongly doubt…) would anyone out there like to bet their right arm against the fact that these […]

Autism, Schizophrenia and Depression; Surprising Thing They Have in Common

Disorders of the mind have never been as easy to grasp for doctors. While therapists have a larger toolbox, most physicians are limited to medications. For me, medications that screw with the essential way that your brain cells function in relationship to one another are a wee bit on the scary side.  We really know […]

Natural Cures for Depression: Prediabetes and Your Brain

I’ll agree that getting someone in the deep throes of depression to exercise is not likely to happen.  But that does NOT mean that natural cures for depression won’t work. Motivation is not high on the list of character traits of a person with depression.  For this reason exercise, which is arguably the most powerful […]