Does Your Diet Depress You?

When it comes to depression, our society relies heavy on drugs for an answer.  Even counseling is a late effort.  Maybe primary care physicians should not be the first choice in this realm. Drugs first, counseling second, lifestyle never.  I’d probably suggest a revision. When patients come into my office who are on antidepressants, I […]

Can Supplements for Depression Beat Medication?

Most cases of depression are treated with antidepressants in medicine today. But when talking natural depression treatments, St John’s Wort pops up first. Certainly St. John’s Wort has a pretty good track history when it comes to battling depression, but are there any other supplements that can help? Before I answer that, let’s cover a little bit […]

Depression in medical illness – (11-29-00)

Depression in medical illness This is a very interesting article outlining the interactions between the immune system and our mental health. Chronic infections and chronic immune stimulation can actually produce depression in patients. This depression can then, in turn, lead to additional physical complaints. This may be why certain antidepressants actually lower complaints in certain […]

Teenage Depression Treatment w/ Drugs? 3 Things You Need to Know

Somewhere along the way someone decided that teenage depression treatment using antidepressants was ok.  I understand that there are challenges and there may actually be a time and place for medicating our kids for psychological problems. But certainly not at the rate we are medicating them today.  These drugs affect the way your brain functions.  YOUR […]