Alzheimer’s patients have reduced activities in midlife – (04-12-01)

Alzheimer’s patients have reduced activities in midlife There are more and more ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s that are showing up in the literature. Overall, it appears that AD is an inflammatory process, and lowering your overall levels of inflammation is a good approach to lower your risk. Knowing that exercise can favorably […]

Estrogen Replacement Therapy Does Not Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk – (05-03-01)

Estrogen Replacement Therapy Does Not Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk Strike off yet another excuse for HRT. Want to lower your risk of Alzheimers? Identify and avoid food allergens, lower your overall inflammatory burden, maintain high intakes of fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in zinc and avoid as many sources of aluminum as you can. Arch […]

Want to Improve Memory & Put Your Brain on Steroids? Read This

Sounds like an ad for the latest and greatest “improve your memory” supplement found on Dr. Oz to boost your brain power. Luckily, the answer has no purchase required and lies in the title.  Yep…read this. The brain, like our muscles, is a use-it-or-lose-it organ.  You need to challenge it every single day and push the limits […]

Celiac Disease Overlooked as Cause of Iron-Deficiency Anemia – (02-19-01)

Celiac Disease Overlooked as Cause of Iron-Deficiency Anemia Celiac disease (gluten insensitivity; an allergy to certain proteins in wheat, barley and rye) does occur at a surprisingly high percentage in our population (one in 100 to 300, depending upon whom you ask…), and anemia is only a small portion of the potential deleterious effects; Alzheimers, […]