OTC Meds Taken by 20% of Seniors Destroying the Brain

Cold medicines, anti-depressants, sleep aids, asthma/COPD drugs. You assume they’re safe because they’re readily obtained in the corner drug store or given to you by your doctor. The list we are concerned about here are the anti-cholinergic drugs and can include some names like Amitriptyline, Dramamine, Unisom, Advil PM, Benadryl, Wellbutrin, Detrol and many cough […]

Alzheimer’s Dementia Research; We’re Throwing Money Away

Much like the cancer scenario, it seems like dementia research is throwing money around looking for a “cure” for Alzheimer’s dementia.  I have said for years now that they ain’t going to find it. By the time that someone is diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disorder, it is likely that he or she has already lost […]

Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin and Rate of Cognitive Change – (07-24-00)

Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin and Rate of Cognitive Change So, thinking about taking estrogen to maintain mental alertness and possibly avoid Alzheimer’s?? The evidence is weak for estrogen alone, and this study suggests that combining it w/ progestins (to protect against cancer) may decrease mental function!! Read entire article here

Workers Exposed to Lead Have High Alzheimer’s Risk – (07-10-00)

Workers Exposed to Lead Have High Alzheimer’s Risk Checking for heavy metal in the body is such an easy and inexpensive test, it really should be used more often; especially considering the impact of heavy metals on human health. Workers exposed to lead have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in later years, according […]