How to Avoid Gestational Diabetes’ Later Risk of Diabetes

Women should learn how to avoid gestational diabetes; it greatly increases risk of diabetes in the future. A single decision after pregnancy is critical. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes is darn near a sure thing when it comes to developing diabetes later in life.  Few things in the medical literature are as strongly linked as gestational […]

Is the High Heart Attack Risk in Diabetes Curable?

Mainstream medicine does not generally speak of diabetes in “curable” terms. Yet diet and exercise hold massive potential to essentially make diabetes curable. Despite this, diabetes and the associated heart problems that ensue remain a health scourge in the US.  From my standpoint in addressing risk and lifestyle changes, there is essentially little difference between […]

6 Reasons for Heart Attack: But What About Family History?

Heart disease remains a #1 killer, despite the fact that it is preventable. What are the reasons for a heart attack & what role does family history play? Almost everyone is aware that, if someone in his or her immediate family (brother, sister, mom, dad) has had a heart attack, they are at an increased risk of having a heart attack.  This […]