LifeCare Chiropractic Mesa AZ Tells the Problem of Bottled Water

ARE YOU STILL DRINKING BOTTLED WATER? Somewhere along the way, “they” decided that we should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.  Americans, as usual, latched onto this with a ferocity.  Maybe because it is an easy application of something to improve our collective health?  Exercise?  Too much effort.  More fruits and vegetables?  Too much […]

Preventing Breast Cancer

PLANNING ON GETTING PREGNANT?  THINK AHEAD TO AVOID BREAST CANCER.  When it comes to stopping breast cancer, some solutions are obvious (exercise, more fruits and veggies, less animal saturated fat, more healthy oils, less stress), but others are not so clear.  In this case, it is up to the national organizations (ACS, Komen) to get […]

Have You Gone BPA-free? Does it Really Make a Difference?

For several years now, the BPA-free craze has been on the rise. The initial concern focused on baby’s products. Keegan is 9 now, and I do not remember any BPA-free water bottles when he was an infant, so the public demand for these types of products began after this time. Now, I don’t think you […]

Firmiculates Bacteria in the Gut and Pollutants in Your Diet

Gut bacteria and your health.  The microbiome.  These strange bedfellows play a massive role in our health and yet we know so little about how to positively impact our microbiome using lifestyle and supplementation. Luckily, it seems like weekly there are new studies published that help to fill in the major gaps in our understanding of […]

Diabetes and the Secret of Erectile Dysfunction – The Answer Lies Here

Let’s face it, erectile dysfunction, or ED as it is known in the radio commercials, is not a good thing. For us men, back in the late teens, twenties or thirties there could be few things less desirable.  For some reason, though, as we age it becomes almost acceptable for erectile dysfunction.  Maybe it’s because, […]