Why Are There Bacteria in Our Intestinal Tract?

This concept, beyond all others, seems to be incredibly difficult for mainstream medicine to grasp.  We continue to use antibiotics like candy with no thought whatsoever to the destruction of a bacterial presence that has been hundreds of thousands of years in the development. In hunter-gatherer days, our exposure to soil dwelling bacteria was very common, […]

3 Servings of Dairy per Day for Good Health? Or Death?

At times I question my anti-dairy stance because every public health recommendation includes 3 servings of dairy.   This is NOT one of those times. I would challenge you to find a public health recommendation from a government agency that does not include 3 servings a day of milk, cheese or yogurt.  Schools teach it like […]

Exercise for Your Heart, Lungs and… Bacteria??

We all know that exercise is essential to good health.  And you also know that the bacteria in your gut are critically important to good health as well. But I would be surprised if, even in your wildest physiology-based dreams, you thought that these two were somehow linked. The benefits of exercise on human health […]