Narcotics and Your Baby; Not a Good Combo

You’re reading the title of this thinking that this is pretty stupid.  Who on Earth would think that this is a good idea??  Opioids during pregnancy. I’m sure that if I gave you the true / false question, “Morphine is ok to take while pregnant,” there’d be no hesitation to check the “false” box.  And […]

C-sections and Gluten

IS C-SECTION TO BLAME FOR INCREASED RATES OF COMMON INTESTINAL DISEASE? The incidence of celiac disease (allergy to the gluten component of grains like wheat and oats) continues to increase, and we now see “gluten free” in stores and on restaurant menus everywhere.  This can be a serious problem, leading to a higher overall mortality […]

Pregnancy Weight Gain and Childhood Health

BREAKING THE CYCLE OF CHRONIC DISEASE BEGINS HOW EARLY? Based on previous posts, this shouldn’t be a trick question.  The answer is before pregnancy. In this study, women who gained excess weight during pregnancy had children that, at 9 years of age, had pretty much EVERY risk factor for heart disease elevated.  A literal time […]

Stem Cells and The Umbilical Cord

HAS MODERN OBSTETRICS FORGOTTEN TOO MUCH?? If you talk to any midwife, they can be a plethora of information on how the birthing process was meant to go.  No epidurals, no induction, no lithotomy position straps.  And it seems that, as a species, it actually worked out ok (otherwise none of us would be here […]

Obesity During Pregnancy and Heart Valve Defects

PROTECTING YOUR BABY’S HEART BEGINS LONG BEFORE PREGNANCY…  I know that all pregnancies are not planned, but for those who are planning on a family, you need to consider long and hard what you are willing to do for the health of your baby.  This particular study found that, in moms who were obese (up […]