Do Migraines Harm Your Developing Baby?

If you have read any of my articles that relates to migraines, then the answer that springs to mind is a strong YES. I really don’t need to belabor the prior bit of information.  Bottom line is, if you suffer from migraines, do not be led into a false sense of security if the migraine […]

Looking for a Healthy Pregnancy? Need to do this First

I know that regular readers will be a little sick of hearing this, but at some point medicine needs to understand the dangers of antibiotics. It seems that the tide is turning, but few still understand just how massively broad-reaching the effects of the bacterial flora of the human body are. And antibiotics just absolutely […]

Very Common Chemical Dangerous in Pregnancy

I have always been and will always remain staunchly against artificial sweeteners.  In ANY amount. They have become so ubiquitous and so accepted in society today that no one questions their safety.  However, an increasing number of animal and human studies continue to find that these compounds increase the risk of weight gain and diabetes–exactly […]

How Can We Increase the Likelihood of Breastfeeding?

It seems like society continues to move further and further away from nursing.  There is absolutely no doubt that this move is a BAD thing. There are compounds in breast milk that we are only now beginning to discover (galacto-oligosaccharides are the most recent discovery).  Formula will never, ever, ever replace breast milk. I hear […]

Pre-eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes and Lifestyle Choices

BETTER PREGNANCY OUTCOMES THROUGH LIFESTYLE? The research is very heavily in support of the idea that healthy pregnancies begin long before a couple becomes pregnant.  Mom’s AND dad’s weight and health status dictate not only the health of the developing baby but the likelihood of getting pregnant in the first place. In fact, polycystic ovary […]