Infant and Child Growth Charts

CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN WHY WE NEED GROWTH CHARTS FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN?  It is not unusual for me to have a patient nervous that their child was above or below “normal” weight and height for there age.  Usually we are talking about infants.  I’m guessing that none of us need a chart to look at […]

You Don’t Need a Flu Vaccination

MAYBE IF WE REALLY STRETCH THINGS WE CAN SCARE THE PUBLIC ON THE FLU.  The number of annual flu deaths in the US most often thrown around is 30,000.  Wow.  That’s a lot of deaths!  (not nearly on the magnitude of smoking, obesity and prediabetes, however).  30,000 deaths should be scary enough to get everyone […]

EFAs, Prenatal, Memory

STRONG MEMORY BEGINS IN THE WOMB. I haven’t written about the importance of the in-utero / prenatal environment for several weeks now, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been on my mind. This particular study looks at the influence of healthy fats on school aged children and found that higher levels of DHA in the […]

Short Burst Aerobic – Mesa AZ Stem Cell Chiropractic

IF YOU CAN’T EXERCISE THIS MUCH, JUST HANG IT UP NOW….Gotta love us lazy humans.  Just how little exercise, how little we have to exert and how infrequent do we have to exercise and still get a benefit.  Not that I advocate hanging out of the bottom of the bell curve, but in this study participants bursts on […]

Pneumonia and Antibiotics? Surprisingly Bad Mix

It never ceases to amaze me how much mainstream medicine has moved away from understanding and supporting normal physiology. There was just a commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on primary prevention of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. (in English: the article was about how to prevent a first heart attack) I […]