Should Every Family Have a Dog?

Being an avid dog lover (just not really a cat person, although I would still put my car in a ditch before I’d even hit a rat on the road), I’ve always felt that there are a lot of lessons to be learned from having an animal for children.  Love, compassion, loss, what to do […]

Long-Term alpha-Tocopherol and Vit C Have No Detectable Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Healthy Men – (04-16-03)

Long-Term alpha-Tocopherol and Vit C Have No Detectable Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Healthy Men Thought I would comment on this one in case any readers come across this article first. Basically, Vit E and C had no effect on inflammatory markers such as TNF-alpha, IL-6 or CRP. Many would use this as another opportunity to denounce […]

L monocytogenes infection as complication of TNF alpha blockade – (03-18-03)

L monocytogenes infection as complication of TNF alpha blockade. I know that, to many patients with autoimmune conditions like Crohns and RA, these drugs can work miracles. However, many (if not most) of the patients on these drugs have never been given a strong trial of lifestyle changes (lowering of insulin levels, obesity reduction, increased […]

T lymphopaenia in relation to BMI and TNF-a in human obesity – (04-09-01)

T lymphopaenia in relation to BMI and TNF-a in human obesity This is a nice article suggesting one way to lower TNF-alpha levels via weight loss. With the new class of drugs used for rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease that block TNF-alpha action this is a refreshing article showing natural, healthy ways to have the […]

Anti-TNF, IL-10, antibiotics in indometacin-induced bowel inflammation – (10-18-01)

Anti-TNF, IL-10, antibiotics in indometacin-induced bowel inflammation This is an interesting article that implicates both TNF-alpha and anaerobic bacteria in the development of Crohn’s disease. So we are using fancy new drugs to block TNF-alpha (we all know my opinion on THIS one…); where is the other half of the therapy designed to address to […]