Tuberculosis Associated with Infliximab, a TNF–Neutralizing Agent – (10-18-01)

Tuberculosis Associated with Infliximab, a TNF–Neutralizing Agent It’s always interesting to see articles come out in different journals that all seem to revolve around a common theme. In this case, we see that the new “wonder drug” for Crohn’s and RA may have some severe side effects. I could accept these side effects in some […]

TNF–dependent maturation of local dendritic cells is critical for activating the adaptive immune response to virus infection – (10-18-01)

TNF–dependent maturation of local dendritic cells is critical for activating the adaptive immune response to virus infection I know this is a very long title, but I wanted to illustrate a point. TNF-alpha is an integral part of the immune response and we are only now just beginning to understand how it works. Using the […]

(TNF-) Plays a Protective Role in Acute Viral Myocarditis in Mice – (02-12-01)

(TNF-) Plays a Protective Role in Acute Viral Myocarditis in Mice Careful with this!! TNF-alpha receptor blockers are the hot new class of drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and now Crohn’s disease. I always worry about blocking the action of a cytokine as important as TNF-alpha–we can’t possibly begin to guess the long term […]

TNF Receptor 2 Gene and Polycystic Ovary, Hyperandrogenism – (08-22-02)

TNF Receptor 2 Gene and Polycystic Ovary, Hyperandrogenism We’re getting into some heavy biochemistry here, but the concept is similar to those in past Updates. We are starting to identify genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) that can affect our body’s response to our environment. Here we see a genetic variant in a receptor for TNF-alpha. Recall that […]

The ability of fish oil to suppress TNF alpha production – (08-05-02)

The ability of fish oil to suppress TNF alpha production This is the future of medicine (like great-great-great grandchildrenish future…) where genetic differences are known to effect response rates to various interventions. TNF alpha up-regulates the immune system and TNF alpha blockade is one of the big new classes of disease modifying drugs for Crohn’s and rheumatoid […]