Diabetes and Drugs to Lower Cholesterol

DO THE DRUGS THAT LOWER CHOLESTEROL ACTUALLY MAKE THE CONDITION WORSE? It is a sad state that most cases of elevated cholesterol are actually due to being pre-diabetic.  How do we know?  Look for lowered HDL and elevated triglycerides.  Clear sign.  So, enter mainstream medicine and respond with knee-jerk reaction.  Give statins.  Numbers look better.  […]

Did YOUR Doctor Talk About Prediabetes?

IS YOUR DOCTOR EDUCATING YOU? The latin interpretation of “doctor” is “teacher” and this should be first and foremost our jobs.  Patients generally do not have the background in physiology that is needed to more clearly understand what is happening to them and help them make the right changes to improve health.  Unfortunately, this is […]

Prediabetes, Exercise and Cholesterol; Does it Help?

  You can’t see a cholesterol lowering drug commercial without hearing some poor guy saying he tried everything, but diet and exercise just wasn’t enough. Once I finish yelling at the TV and vomiting the remnants of my lunch in disgust, I’m reminded that this is just marketing. The reality, however, is that exercise will […]

Nuts to Lower Cholesterol

NUTS ABOUT GOOD HEART HEALTH?? Nuts have consistently been shown to be very protective for the heart, and this review of multiple studies just cements this further.  Interestingly enough, the average positive change in lipids for 67 g of nuts / day (less than 1/2 cup) was better than that of statins.  And statins don’t […]

Effects of dietary fructose on plasma lipids in healthy subjects – (11-27-00)

Effects of dietary fructose on plasma lipids in healthy subjects With the increased intake of high-fructose containing soda and drinks, this is definitely a contributing factor in the rise in cholesterol levels in certain patients. Remember that fruit also contains fructose, but the additional nutrients (fiber, bioflavenoids…) far override any effects on lipid levels. AJCN […]