Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Nerve Damage

Ok. I’ll admit it.  I am completely stumped as to why drugs to lower cholesterol are among the most successful drugs that drug companies manufacture. The evidence for their effectiveness pretty much sucks.  Out of 100 people who are prescribed statins over the course of 5 years, only a single person will actually benefit.  Not […]

Statins and Your First Heart Attack

IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF STATINS (LIPITOR, CRESTOR, ZOCOR, VYTORIN, etc…)? It should come as no surprise to regular readers of my posts that the research just does not support the use of statins to prevent a first heart attack.  The data is very, very weak.  Which would be fine if it […]

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Diabetes: Just How Bad is It?

It is now clear that cholesterol lowering drugs cause diabetes. But the proponents have clearly stated that the risk was in those already at risk. Ironically, pretty much everyone with cholesterol issues is, to some degree, already on his or her way to developing diabetes. Giving a drug that is now proven to push patients […]

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs & Your Good Cholesterol–Bad News

Despite all the less-than-stellar research on cholesterol lowering drugs, the powers-that-be want us to take even more of it. The latest “cholesterol guidelines” released late in 2013 have drastically increased the number of patients who would potentially be given a statin.  They have finally dropped the fallacy that total cholesterol has any value (you know–total […]