High Protein, Gut

LOSING WEIGHT THIS WAY MAY DAMAGE THE COLON?  The high protein / low carb (aka Atkin’s diet) has never been a good idea with only a few exceptions.  In general, this type of diet will kill you in the long run, and this particular study suggests that the route of deceasement (Word is suggesting that […]

Wrist Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ :

Catecholamine-Producing Cells in the Synovial Tissue During Arthritis CAN STRESS DESTROY OUR JOINTS?  Catecholamines are hormones released by the adrenal glands, the most recognized of which is adrenaline.  Looking at the article, it suggests that catecholamines might have some pretty potent anti-inflammatory effects and may always be at work controlling inflammation within a joint.  However, in the […]

But I Avoid White Flour and Sugar–Isn’t That Enough?

I can honestly say that it is very rare that patients truly understand what a refined carb is and how bad it is for health. Which is disturbing considering that refined carbs are known to increase the risk of pretty much every chronic disease known to man.  Regardless of what color it is, if a product […]

Alcohol Intake and Cancer–Add this to Negate the Risk

The link between breast cancer and alcohol intake has bounced back and forth between no risk and increased risk. The past few years has seen this association settling in on the recommendation that alcohol intake does increase your risk for breast cancer. The mechanism relates to the fact that alcohol raises the level of sex-steroid […]

To Wheat or Not to Wheat-THAT is the Question

Over the decades one macronutrient or other has gotten beat up: fats, carbs, proteins. Sometimes it’s components within these food groups: eggs, red meat, potato chips, etc… But rarely do we pay attention to anything beyond the hype.  Most of the controversy over foods that have been demonized has been taken out of context.  Except potato […]