A Diabetic’s Dinner

Mesa AZ Chiropractic SO WHAT SHOULD BE ON A DIABETIC’S PLATE FOR DINNER?  There have been many studies supporting the idea that a good, healthy breakfast (NOT oatmeal, NOT Cheerios, NOT yogurt; rather high fiber >8 grams or protein based like real peanut butter or veg-a-fed eggs) helps to lower caloric intake throughout the rest of […]

Mesa AZ Chiropractor Gives Warning About Consuming Food Coloring

Avoid Artificial Food Colors – ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO GIVE THAT BRILLIANTLY COLORED, CARCINOGENIC JUNK FOOD TO YOUR CHILD?  Many are not aware that the coal tar dyes (you know, the ones with the label like FD&C #7…and why exactly are #1-6 no longer used??) are suspected carcinogens.  I remember asking a patient to […]

Migraine Doctor Mesa AZ Residents Trust

MIGRAINE SUFFERERS BEWARE NEW PREVENTATIVE APPROACH.  You’ve all read me ranting and raving about how we are completely missing the boat on treatment of migraines.  That migraineuers have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke because the problem is NOT in the brain, but it is in the body.  It is the body screaming […]

Mesa AZ Chiropractor Explains Why Fat Isn’t a Bad Thing

Fat Isn’t a Bad Thing BUT I THOUGHT “FAT” WAS FATTENING??  Man did the 90’s screw us all up.  That darn food pyramid was one of the worst things to happen to our health after the Value Meal.  Because of this decade, we began to associate “fat” with fattening.  This is just not true, and […]