Natural Remedies for Seizures: Stress Issues

Stress kills us.  Luckily, it’s not a quick death, but rather a slow, agonizing death over the course of years.  But what does it do to your brain in the meantime? It is clear that stress will fire off an epileptic seizure faster than just about anything else.  But is stress so damaging to the […]

Sleep-disordered breathing, glucose metabolism in hypertensive men – (03-26-01)

Sleep-disordered breathing, glucose metabolism in hypertensive men I love seeing articles demonstrating the intricate ties between all systems of the body and many of today’s chronic diseases. This study suggests that obstructive sleep apnea may contribute to the risk of diabetes, independent of obesity. Try this…lack of sleep is a known stress to the human […]

Your Heart on Vacation; When Was Your Last One?

Vacations are of critical importance and are not merely a luxury.  They are a requirement.  So when was YOUR last vacation? I sit here writing this particular post from the airport in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, awaiting my flight home from a week long vacation.  So why is this relevant? Besides the blog articles and eBooks, […]

Effect of proinflammatory interleukins on jejunal nutrient transport – (08-21-00)

Effect of proinflammatory interleukins on jejunal nutrient transport This study indicates that, with systemic inflammation, more nutrients are absorbed. This would correspond well with the increased need for certain nutrients under times of stress. However, it would seem logical to extrapolate that, with prolonged inflammation, the intestines become too permeable and larger molecules can cross […]

Mechanism converting stress into mononuclear cell activation – (02-24-03)

Mechanism converting stress into mononuclear cell activation The explosion of the psychoneuroimmunology field began several years back with the findings of the interdigitations of the nervous system into the immune cells of the GI tract (the GALT, or gut activated lymphoid tissues), thus establishing the first identified connection between the GI and the nervous system. […]