Calcium Channel Blockers Increase Heart Failure Risk

ANOTHER DRUG FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE INCREASES RISK OF DEATH?? Seriously.  First we see a meta analysis several years back of 95,000 patients on beta blockers that had increased risk of diabetes and stroke and no lowered risk of death.  Now, in a review of almost 157,000 patients (that’s a big review, by the way) […]

Blood Lead, BP, and Hypertension – (03-31-03)

Blood Lead, BP, and Hypertension. Heavy metals are widely overlooked by mainstream medicine despite heavy research into their affects on human health. Here we see links with hypertension. Of additional note on BP is cadmium (found mainly in cigarette smoke) which damages the kidneys and can lead to hypertension. JAMA — Abstracts: Nash et al. […]

Are You Following a Low Sodium Diet?

For quite a few years, the general consensus to lower risk of heart disease and hypertension was to stick with a low salt diet. Hopefully you didn’t follow buy into the dogma. I’m not entirely sure where the low sodium hogwash started, but I know why it survived for so long. Mainly because no one got hurt […]

Enhanced Progression of Early Carotid Atherosclerosis & C pneumoniae – (04-12-01)

Enhanced Progression of Early Carotid Atherosclerosis & C pneumoniae We are starting to see more and more evidence that an infectious etiology plays a part in heart disease. I believe that this is a big reason why mainstream medicine has such a problem with heart disease; there is no “one cause, one cure.” Inflammation, hyperinsulinemia, […]

Insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction and essential hypertension – (03-26-01)

Insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction and essential hypertension This study suggests a link between endothelial dysfunction (one of three layers of cells making up the arteries), essential hypertension and insulin resistance. Remember that most cases of high blood pressure are essential/idiopathic, meaning that the cause of the condition is unknown. This study may punch holes in […]