Taurine Prevents the Decrease of SOD Induced by Homocysteine – (09-06-01)

Taurine Prevents the Decrease of SOD Induced by Homocysteine This article suggests several other tools to be used in patients with elevated homocysteine. Of course, folic acid, B12 and B6 are primary agents, but this article can also add taurine to the list. It appears that homocysteine lowers the amounts of superoxide dismutase (an enzyme […]

Alteration of DNA methylation in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis – (10-08-01)

Alteration of DNA methylation in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis I know this sounds a little technical, but the take home message is that alterations in the body’s ability to methylate DNA may lead to cancer. Methylation helps to protect DNA from damage. Slow methylation can come from a variety of sources, with dietary alterations and genetic sluggishness […]