Pre-eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes and Lifestyle Choices

BETTER PREGNANCY OUTCOMES THROUGH LIFESTYLE? The research is very heavily in support of the idea that healthy pregnancies begin long before a couple becomes pregnant.  Mom’s AND dad’s weight and health status dictate not only the health of the developing baby but the likelihood of getting pregnant in the first place. In fact, polycystic ovary […]

Is That Prescription Giving You Breasts?

  Phthalates. Luckily, it took me less time to realize how bad they for our health then it did to learn how to spell the word. It has been clear that phthalates play a role in infertility, preterm birth, birth defects (they have a feminizing effect on the developing baby), hormonal cancers like breast and […]

Gluten, GMOs, Probiotics and Monsanto; the Web Tightens

I’ve had many people ask me about this “gluten free” thing and whether it’s “real.” Or is it just a fad? First and foremost, the entity known as celiac disease is nothing new. The traditional acceptance of celiac disease is a condition where the immune system of the gut attacks the gluten containing portion of […]