Kidney Stones Suck; Add This to Banish Them

Kidney stones are one of the most painful acute conditions that humans can endure. Whenever I asked female patients who have had both children and kidney stones which was worse, the answer is always the kidney stones.  Maybe this is because childbirth is a natural process and the body will release endorphins to curb the […]

Preventing Stroke: Follow These Simple 5 Tips to Slash Risk

Ever had a sharp, severe pain in your head? Ever had that fleeting fear that it was a stroke? Then, when you realize you were still intact, did you wonder what a stroke REALLY would feel like? I know that for me, there is an underlying fear of what they would be like.  A destruction […]

Cocoa inhibits platelet activation and function – (08-03-00)

Cocoa inhibits platelet activation and function Cocoa contains polyphenols–those beneficial chemicals also found in green tea that are believed to account for its benefits. This may be a safer way to prevent heart attacks instead of “an aspirin a day.” Now, don’t confuse this with chocolate, which contains stearic acid and has definite bad effects […]

Flavonol and Flavone Intake Linked With Nonfatal MI – (01-22-01)

Flavonol and Flavone Intake Linked With Nonfatal MI Geez!! This was the exact title of the article. For those “title surfers” the first thought would not be a good one!! Flavones are INVERSELY linked with MI!! Anyway, this is, once again, not a tremendous surprise. Flavanoids are substances found in green tea, fruits and veggies. […]