First evidence of a possible association between gastric acid suppression during pregnancy and childhood asthma I cannot begin to stress enough just how vitally important digestion is. Any attempt to block digestion with acid suppressive drugs (with the exception of those in the middle of a bleeding ulcer episode) is going to have long term, […]

Acid Blocking Drugs Destroy the Stomach and Lead to Cancer

ARE YOU TAKING THIS CLASS OF DRUGS FOR STOMACH PROBLEMS? Proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex and a very popular class of drugs for gastritis and heartburn.  This class of drugs was designed ONLY for short term use (several months at most) and yet many patients remain on them for years.  First off, it […]

Do Antacids Cause Allergies?

DO ULCER DRUGS CONTRIBUTE TO ALLERGIES? I’ve always had major issues with drugs that bring digestion to a screeching halt.  Now, if someone has a bleeding ulcer this class of drugs can save a life.  Short of that, stopping digestion is horrendously bad for your health.  I can tick off at least 10 processes that […]

Surprising Finding on Newborn Acid Reflux: Be Very Scared About Prilosec

Parents of newborns are always worried about their little one. But this can lead to misguided trust in the wrong pediatrician if the little one is sick. Excessive spitting up, crying after eating and refusing to eat can all be symptoms of what may be diagnosed as infant reflux.  The less wary pediatrician, if symptoms […]