Take Doctor-Recommended Calcium? This Tip May Save Your Life

Of all the supplements that my patients take, calcium supplementation for osteoporosis prevention is one of the most popular.  Many have been told to take calcium by their doctors. In all my years of practice, I have not routinely recommended calcium supplementation. When I do, it is only for those who, either in our office or at a […]

Very delayed reactions to cow’s milk in cow’s milk-intolerant patients – (06-26-00)

Very delayed reactions to cow’s milk in cow’s milk-intolerant patients Why do we still insist of drinking cow’s milk when allergy, chemical and hormonal additives are such an issue? Many studies even suggest that cow’s milk may INCREASE risk of osteoporosis. This study suggests allergic reactions as late as 72 hours after ingestion. And pay […]

Bone Loss Resumes When Calcium Supplementation Stops – (05-20-00)

Bone Loss Resumes When Calcium Supplementation Stops Calcium supplementation is a lifelong commitment and needs to be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Adequate calcium intake must be a “lifetime commitment” if individuals wish to maintain improvements in bone density, according to experts from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). They warn that bone loss […]