Very Effective Emotional Technique for Quitting Smoking

IF YOU ONLY READ ONE OF MY POSTS, READ THIS ONE. Sometimes, being considered an “expert” in a particular field can be most difficult when it comes to those closest to you.  For me, it’s disease prevention through healthy lifestyles.  Unfortunately, my father was a family member who shrugged off my continual advice.  In nune […]

Paying More for Less; US Healthcare in a Nutshell

There has certainly been no shortage of discussion on who should pay for healthcare in this country.  But never once has anyone seemed to question whether or not who pays is the problem. This is the exact topic that the entire Obamacare administration will be known for, for good or for ill.  To date, however, […]

C-sections and Gluten

IS C-SECTION TO BLAME FOR INCREASED RATES OF COMMON INTESTINAL DISEASE? The incidence of celiac disease (allergy to the gluten component of grains like wheat and oats) continues to increase, and we now see “gluten free” in stores and on restaurant menus everywhere.  This can be a serious problem, leading to a higher overall mortality […]

Kidney Stones Suck; Add This to Banish Them

Kidney stones are one of the most painful acute conditions that humans can endure. Whenever I asked female patients who have had both children and kidney stones which was worse, the answer is always the kidney stones.  Maybe this is because childbirth is a natural process and the body will release endorphins to curb the […]