Insights into Dairy Allergy: Microenvironment Matters

Insights into milk protein allergy: Microenvironment matters. This is an interesting article that delves a little deeper into the immunology between cow’s milk allergy. Essentially, in milk allergic subjects, their T cells (a portion of the immune system known as cell-mediated immune) produce cytokines (chemical messengers that tell other cells what to do) consistent with […]

Our Government was Swindled by Tamiflu and Roche

It all starts with fear. When it comes to health, we are not ruled by science and wise financial decisions. When it comes to the flu, apparently it is not just the general public that gets manipulated, but the manipulating government itself. I’m not usually one to scream about government conspiracies and control, but when […]

Holy Sinus Infection Batman! You’ve GOT to Read This!!

Sinus problem, allergies and asthma are the bane of many peoples’ existence. Too often, this results in the knee-jerk antibiotic prescription and steroids. These conditions can be incredibly challenging to deal with from a functional medicine standpoint because, all too often, the problem stems back to immune development in the first 2 years of life. […]

Microflora characteristics in faeces from allergic & nonallergic infants – (11-23-00)

Microflora characteristics in faeces from allergic & nonallergic infants All this information on normal, healthy flora in the GI tract, and yet neither pediatricians nor gastroenterologists “believe” in them. This article again supports the association between antibiotic use and allergies. The artilce suggests that the presence of bacteria in the GI tract is instrumental in […]

Antibiotics in early childhood increases risk of asthma/allergic disease – (11-23-00)

Antibiotics in early childhood increases risk of asthma/allergic disease This is yet another research study pointing to this association. It really is not a difficult concept to follow. Antibiotics destroy the normal, developing flora in the infant. These flora are instrumental in protecting the infant from the environment, and also play a key role in […]