The Polypill–One Pill to Control Them All?

BRAVE NEW WORLD? Hollywood and literature has been hyping the idea of a medicated, controlled society for as long as we can remember.  But it seems to hard to believe that society would give up it’s freedom of choice to surrender to this type of control.  Right?  There has been steady promotion of a “polypill” […]

Paying More for Less; US Healthcare in a Nutshell

There has certainly been no shortage of discussion on who should pay for healthcare in this country.  But never once has anyone seemed to question whether or not who pays is the problem. This is the exact topic that the entire Obamacare administration will be known for, for good or for ill.  To date, however, […]

Drugs and Medical Treatment: How Powerful is the Placebo Effect?

You have heard of the placebo response and have a general idea of how it works. The reality is that few of us know just how powerful it is. This wouldn’t be a problem except that most drugs, when studied in clinical trials, are compared to placebo.  This means that patient beliefs during treatment may […]