Should All Patients with a Migraine See a Chiropractor in Mesa?

Ok..given my bias everyone probably knows my answer here when it comes to chiropractic in Mesa. It never ceases to amaze me when a patient has had headaches for years or even decades that have never been to a chiropractor.  Given the evidence, it really should be considered malpractice (lack of informed consent) for a neurologist […]

Do Migraines Increase Your Risk of Dying?

Let me clarify this once more.  Those experiencing migraines have something wrong with their physiology that just so happens to manifest as headaches. The headaches are the downstream consequence of the problem, and are NOT the problem itself.  So to fix the problem, you need to look upstream and fix what is wrong.  If you […]

Seizures and THIS B Vitamin; Could it be the Key?

It is not in my nature to promote a one cause/one cure mentality. But sometimes certain approaches are so important that they need to be mentioned separately. This goes for many conditions from diabetes to Alzheimer’s dementia. And certainly over the years I have pointed out research on single approaches that have been proven to […]

Migraines Have Potentially Deadly Consequences

I frequently have patients tell me that this or that condition is “under control” with medication.  As a society we have been completely duped into this type of thinking. Migraines are no exception. Regardless of whether someone is medicated or not, the fact that they are having migraines means that something is wrong.  Merely the […]

The Ketogenic Diet; How to Make a Good Thing Better

The ketogenic diet has been a powerful tool for seizures forever.  Longer even then the drugs to treat seizures that are commonly used. The unfortunate fact is that natural approaches to seizures are almost always the last tool recommended by neurologists, despite the fact that they typically perform better than medications. Maybe one of the […]