Drugs for Ulcers; Extreme Dangers of Long-Term Use

If you’ve got a bleeding ulcer, drugs that block acid like Nexium, Prilosec and Aciphex can save your life.  Even if that ulcer is caused by your daily anti-inflammatory. However, for the remaining 99% of the time that acid-blocking drugs are used, they can wreak havoc. You see, the body digests….and it does everything else.  […]

Pneumonia and Antibiotics? Surprisingly Bad Mix

It never ceases to amaze me how much mainstream medicine has moved away from understanding and supporting normal physiology. There was just a commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on primary prevention of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. (in English: the article was about how to prevent a first heart attack) I […]

Info on Heart Failure Your Cardiologist Probably Doesn’t Know

Heart disease remains the biggest killer in the Western world. This is despite billions of dollars pumped into this condition. Billions of dollars into research, drug development, drug use and cardiology procedures. And yet, all we have to show for it is a slight reduction in deaths from heart disease, but an increasing number of […]

Billion Year Old Treatment Effective for Colic?

I’ve grilled in the idea that the bacteria in our body is not always detrimental and should not be wantonly destroyed with antibiotics. Quite the opposite–when healthy bacterial flora is present our bodies benefit.  And the list of benefits is quite long and includes pretty much any condition or disease that the human body can […]