The “Soy is Evil” Saga Continues: 7 Effects on Prediabetes

For those of you that read my blog post on soy a few weeks ago and still think I’m off my rocker and being paid under the table by the soy growers association, I present exhibit B. With the usual caveats of non-processed and non-GMO soy, the research is overwhelmingly in support of soy as part […]

Soy protein attenuates bone loss in perimenopausal women – (10-02-00)

Soy protein attenuates bone loss in perimenopausal women In keeping with the previous article, switching from dairy products to a soy based diet may have some strong health benefits. To date, most of the evidence suggests the the strongest benefits from soy are derived from the whole food, not from concentrates in supplements. Read entire […]

Phytoestrogens Alter Adrenocortical Function – (11-19-01)

Phytoestrogens Alter Adrenocortical Function This study finds that the genistein and daidzein (both found in soy) lower cortisol levels and increase DHEA levels, essentially reversing the pregnonolone steal. The pregnonlone steel occurs when precursers in the adrenal cortex get shunted over to cortisol production instead of DHEA in times of chronic or extreme stress. JCEM […]

Isoflavone-Free Soy Diet and Ovarian Hormones – (07-12-01)

Isoflavone-Free Soy Diet and Ovarian Hormones There are two things to consider here. First, that despite its bad press, soy unquestionably has health benefits. The cultures with the highest intakes of soy typically have lower rates of many chronic conditions. But they consume soy in its unprocessed form. Here in a Western culture we need […]