Intestinal dysfunction, liver cirrhosis & spontaneous bacterial peritonitis – (06-25-01)

Intestinal dysfunction, liver cirrhosis & spontaneous bacterial peritonitis I know it’s a big long title, but basically, patients with liver cirrhosis have increased suseptability to bacterial infections without any known source of the bacteria. This article suggests that the bacteria may come from the gut. This would suggest that the use of probiotics in any […]

Nutrition More Effective Than Steroids in Children With Crohn’s Disease – (06-06-02)

Nutrition More Effective Than Steroids in Children With Crohn’s Disease Okay, so if this is more effective for children, why do most adults not get the same therapeutic thrust? Personally, I feel that yeast overgrowth is a major factor in many patients with Crohn’s. This would necessitate avoiding sugars and alcohol and supportive probiotics. Read […]