Six-Year Effect of Vit C, E on Atherosclerotic Progression – (03-04-03)

Six-Year Effect of Vit C, E on Atherosclerotic Progression. Whenever a study comes out showing no benefit of antioxidants on progression/prevention of CVD, one has to look at the totality of the evidence. The evidence (not to mention that it makes sense from a physiology/pathology standpoint) is quite plentiful that antioxidants protect against CVD. Circulation […]

Ascorbate Restores Vasodilation Impaired by Acute Hyperglycemia – (04-30-01)

Ascorbate Restores Vasodilation Impaired by Acute Hyperglycemia Where do we start with this one? It’s always good to see our old friend Vit C supported in the medical literature. In this study, Vit C protected against the vasoconstriction caused by high glucose levels in the bloodstream. This information can have a major impact on the […]

Infectious Burden and Long-Term Prognosis of Atherosclerosis – (01-03-02)

Infectious Burden and Long-Term Prognosis of Atherosclerosis I think it is safe to add an infectious mechanism to the list of contributors to cardiovascular disease. A few interesting things here. H. pylori is included in the list of possible infectious agents. Could it be that the infectious agent is there because of some depression in […]