Garlic and Cardiovascular Disease – (09-21-00)

Garlic and Cardiovascular Disease This is a nice summary article reviewing the benefits of garlic on certain conditions of the cardiovascular system. nutrition in Clinical Care 3 (3), 145-152 The goal of this review is to evaluate the current status of knowledge concerning cardiovascular effects of allium derivatives from garlic and to identify potential areas […]

Dietary fatty acids and cardiovascular disease – (09-07-00)

Dietary fatty acids and cardiovascular disease This is a perfect example of how vastly different types of fats can be. This article is a nice review of the benefits of unsaturated fats and the harmful effects of saturated and trans fats. While it may be a while before nutrition authorities are ready to suggest specific […]

The alpha-amino group of l-arginine mediates its antioxidant effect – (04-12-01)

The alpha-amino group of l-arginine mediates its antioxidant effect Arginine is becoming an important aspect of treatment of cardiovascular disease. This has previously been believed to be due to its effect on NO production (arginine is a NO donor); but this article suggests additional protection via an antioxidant action. Synergy : European Journal of Clinical […]

Plasma Leptin and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease – (12-27-01)

Plasma Leptin and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease I don’t plan this–it just happens to fall into my lap. Remember that leptin levels can increase with prolonged ingestion of fatty foods and with alterations in insulin sensitivity. Many of these factors begin to overlap and lifestyle changes to lower one will inevitably alter the other […]

3 Months of Antimicrobials in Acute Non–Q-Wave Coronary Syndrome – (04-08-02)

3 Months of Antimicrobials in Acute Non–Q-Wave Coronary Syndrome This article throws more weight in the ineffective etiology of cardiovascular disease. However, before you run to your cardiologist and ask for antibiotics (which will disturb normal flora in the GI tract and create other imbalances worse than your risk for CVD), remember that a natural […]