Natural Remedies for Eczema in Infants, Toddlers and Children

Our immune system starts out delicate. The first 2 years are critical. Luckily, natural remedies for eczema in infants, toddlers and children are safe and effective. The phrase to understand here is “immune tolerance.” The immune system is supposed to attack things it is supposed to (like bacteria and viruses) and not attack things it is not […]


IF YOU’RE NOT NURSING, WHAT’S BETTER–COW’S MILK OR SOY?  Actually…neither.  Mother’s milk is superior to anything and every single attempt needs to be made to nurse before moving on to formula.  That being said, it is not always possible.  Regardless of what type of formula you use, the newborn’s GI tract is not ready to […]

Early Behavior May Point to Later Atopic Disease in High-Risk Infants – (05-07-01)

Early Behavior May Point to Later Atopic Disease in High-Risk Infants The authors to this article make a wonderful hypothesis at the conclusion by suggesting that gut microflora may play a role in this relationship. It makes much sense to think that an imbalance of intestinal flora (most likely following antibiotic therapy) could lead to […]

Food allergy/intolerance: associations with other manifestations of atopy – (11-29-01)

Food allergy/intolerance: associations with other manifestations of atopy This is another wonderful article packed full of interesting concepts. First is finding out just how common food allergy is in the general population. This article also gives some common food allergens found which includes certain nuts, milk and fruits. Another common theme arises here as well–systemic […]

Childhood Atopy Predicts Asthma Severity in Adulthood – (01-15-01)

Childhood Atopy Predicts Asthma Severity in Adulthood Many problems in childhood that many people would consider “minor” or “normal” such as allergies and constipation, concern me a great deal with regards to long term health. This research supports this concern and strengthens the need to truly address allergies in children, not just medicate them, to […]