Red Wine and the Brain

DO I NEED TO DRINK MORE WINE TO PROTECT MY BRAIN? It’s no surprise that wine (or specifically, the resveratrol content of red wine) has protective benefits in moderation, but you may not understand exactly how resveratrol works. Calorie restriction without nutrient restriction has consistently shown to extend lifespan in mammals.  This calorie restriction works by […]

Too Young for Your Brain to Rot? Results Will Surprise You

Sure, you know that a daily meth habit will fry your brain. But what if over half of 40-somethings had brain damage? Couldn’t be possible, right? Alzheimer’s dementia, memory loss, cognitive decline, Parkinson’s…these all happen to OLDER people, so you’re safe.  You gave up the obvious brain-damaging behaviors after college and you’re pretty sure your neurons […]

Vitamin D And Cognitive Decline

CAN THIS SIMPLE ACT PROTECT AGAINST LOSING YOUR MIND? Again beating a dead horse here…the benefits of Vit D are truly too many to count.  This particular study looked at the risk of cognitive decline and Vit D levels in the blood in those older than 65 yoa and found that those with < 25 […]

OTC Meds Taken by 20% of Seniors Destroying the Brain

Cold medicines, anti-depressants, sleep aids, asthma/COPD drugs. You assume they’re safe because they’re readily obtained in the corner drug store or given to you by your doctor. The list we are concerned about here are the anti-cholinergic drugs and can include some names like Amitriptyline, Dramamine, Unisom, Advil PM, Benadryl, Wellbutrin, Detrol and many cough […]

Critical Links Between Sleep Apnea, Deep Sleep and Dementia

Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on dementia research annually. While many may not like my opinion, I think we’re throwing this money away. To date, we have had very little in the way of a “cure.”  The research dollars continue to hit dead ends. Here’s the problem.  By the time that someone is […]