5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Seeing a Chiropractor

Chiropractor Chiropractic is an alternative health care treatment that aims to solve the nonalignment of body structure, mostly the spine. Our body consists of the main three machines- brain, spinal cord and central nervous system which together make a single pathway that communicates with trillions of cells for proper functioning. For many reasons, one can […]

5 Chiropractic Tips to Help with Your Headache

Headache Chiropractor Everyone knows how a headache can create a drastic change in our overall health. While we are having this terrible pain for hours and hours, we become completely dependent on painkillers without thinking about the side effects. Our whole body feels tired and we just want to lie down in bed, shutting out […]

Mesa AZ Chiropractor For Your Low Back Pain

LOW BACK PAIN CARE BEST SPENT AT YOUR CHIROPRACTOR’S OFFICE.  It is pretty darn well established that seeing a chiropractor FIRST for any musculoskeletal condition (in the case of this study it is low back pain) results in a significant cost savings.  The data ranges anywhere from 20-40%.  Many insurance customers would be appalled to find […]

Back Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ

Chiropractic Hospital – CHIROPRACTIC CARE OF LOW BACK PAIN IN HOSPITALS IMPROVES CARE?  There have been many stories of the better outcomes and happier patients when chiropractic care is added to the ER care for patients with low back pain, but this is the first study that I’m aware of that actually proves it.  It makes sense.  […]

Tylenol and IBUPROFEN – Joint Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ

IBUPROFEN’S BAD FOR THE HEART, SO I’LL JUST SWITCH TO TYLENOL, RIGHT?  Ironically, I just had a patient come in that had concerns over declining kidney function.  The thing that likely contributed to his problem is the use of Tylenol PM to help him sleep.  It is commonly accepted that if something is over the […]