Back Pain Chiropractor Mesa AZ

Chiropractic Hospital – CHIROPRACTIC CARE OF LOW BACK PAIN IN HOSPITALS IMPROVES CARE?  There have been many stories of the better outcomes and happier patients when chiropractic care is added to the ER care for patients with low back pain, but this is the first study that I’m aware of that actually proves it.  It makes sense.  […]

Acupuncture Can Reduce Arthritis Pain – (03-08-01)

Acupuncture Can Reduce Arthritis Pain I think positive results in trials of acupuncture are probably the hardest for mainstream medicine to follow. There is very little correlation between our Western beliefs and Eastern medicine. It requires an entirely different view. Just because we do not understand something, however, does not mean it is ineffective. Acupuncture […]

Acupuncture blocks stress on the heart – (11-26-01)

Acupuncture Blocks Sympathetic Nerve Activity to Heart It is becoming more and more difficult to say that acupuncture has no effects on the human body… It is just so hard to accept the concept of a series of meridian, energy fields, etc… that can and do affect human health. I would go on to say […]