Frequency of triggering bacteria in patients with reactive arthritis – (04-09-01)

Frequency of triggering bacteria in patients with reactive arthritis The well known fact that certain organisms infecting the GI tract can cause systemic arthritic symptoms becomes lost on most clinicians when they consider such conditions as fibromyalgia and many of the autoimmune disorders causing joint pain. In talking with a gastroenterologist and a rheumatologist that […]

COX-2 implications and gastric mucosal integrity, ulcer healing – (08-23-01)

COX-2 implications and gastric mucosal integrity, ulcer healing This is an informative review article on the new wonder-drug arthritis meds, and the concept that maybe they are not so friendly to the gastric mucosa as they were marketed to be. Recently this class of drugs has also come under fire from the cardiology sector. Remember […]

TNF–dependent maturation of local dendritic cells is critical for activating the adaptive immune response to virus infection – (10-18-01)

TNF–dependent maturation of local dendritic cells is critical for activating the adaptive immune response to virus infection I know this is a very long title, but I wanted to illustrate a point. TNF-alpha is an integral part of the immune response and we are only now just beginning to understand how it works. Using the […]