Oxidant stress in allergic asthma measured w/ urinary F2-isoprostane – (04-19-01)

Oxidant stress in allergic asthma measured w/ urinary F2-isoprostane I know this article appears to be a highly technical one (and it is…), but the take home message is that any asthmatic (in particular those with associated allergies) should be on a strong antioxidant regimen. Oxidative stress in asthmatics can be a major contributing factor […]

Dietary micronutrients/antioxidants and bronchial asthma severity – (02-26-01)

Dietary micronutrients/antioxidants and bronchial asthma severity This article compares nutrient levels between asthmatic and normal patients and found no differences. Once again, however, this study did not use RBC levels of these nutrients, which I feel is a much more accurate view of antioxidant and micronutrient status. Interestingly, this study did note reduced activity of […]