Devastating Arthritis in Children Starts at the Pediatrician

Arthritis in the typical 50 or 60 year old is not a surprise, but when it strikes our children it’s something to be heavily concerned about. In general, arthritis that strikes our kids is going to fall into the auto-immune type where the immune system has turned in on itself, attacking the joints of your […]

Firmiculates Bacteria in the Gut and Pollutants in Your Diet

Gut bacteria and your health.  The microbiome.  These strange bedfellows play a massive role in our health and yet we know so little about how to positively impact our microbiome using lifestyle and supplementation. Luckily, it seems like weekly there are new studies published that help to fill in the major gaps in our understanding of […]

Probiotics; Should You Take Them Short or Long Term?

A large chunk of the probiotic-popping population uses them only after a course of antibiotics, but would you be better off taking probiotics on a regular basis? The human species’ exposure to bacteria over the course of history was largely due to fermented or buried foods.  To preserve different foods, our ancestors buried these foods […]

Probiotics and Digestion in Your Gut–Do They Even Survive?

The use of probiotics to positively affect health (and your microbiome) and disease has expanded massively in the past decade. Supplements, powders, probiotic drinks, juice drinks with probiotic straws–the options are almost limitless.  And, if you prefer your prefer your probiotics from the other end, you could sign up for a fecal transplant, although I have […]

Cranberry; And You Thought it was Just Good for UTIs

It’s pretty much common knowledge that cranberry is good for urinary tract infections.  But, just like many other food items, the benefits extend far beyond this. Let’s face it, though, the berries, as a group, have powerful benefits.  Blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries.  Berries pack a pretty powerful phytonutrient (plant-based protective compound) punch. And this benefit […]