H Pylori and Stomach Acid

IS THAT ULCER FROM TOO MUCH STOMACH ACID? Most likely not.  It’s actually very, very rare for someone to make too much stomach acid.  Consider this.  As we get older we make less and less stomach acid (the region of the stomach that makes stomach acid begins to atrophy), so if you’re past maybe 50, […]

Do Antacids Cause Allergies?

DO ULCER DRUGS CONTRIBUTE TO ALLERGIES? I’ve always had major issues with drugs that bring digestion to a screeching halt.  Now, if someone has a bleeding ulcer this class of drugs can save a life.  Short of that, stopping digestion is horrendously bad for your health.  I can tick off at least 10 processes that […]

Can Antibiotics Lead to Ulcers? The H. pylori Story

ANTIBIOTICS LEAD TO ULCERS??  This is not a normal association in allopathic medicine, but if you follow the physiology it makes tremendous sense.  The bottom line is that antibiotics decimate our normal, protective flora whether it is in the back of the throat, small intestine, vaginal vault, large intestine or even in the stomach.  We […]